Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Monday, August 29, 2005

Dell Trying to Remove Evil Stickers

Will Dell be getting rid of those annnoying and evil stickers that have been annoyingly staring at me since I got my computer? From the article:
With PC assembly time down to less than four minutes, the 30 seconds it can take to apply the ubiquitous security holograms and logos for Microsoft and Intel have become a significant manufacturing bottleneck. Talks are under way to eliminate what Dell production managers grudgingly describe as “other people’s advertising”.
Hmm... time reducing or not, I'd like those new Dells without ugly stickers.

FT.com Article


  • At 8/30/2005 11:03:00 AM, Blogger Bananas in the Falklands said…

    Well untill Dell stop 'make me' buy windoze XP professional whatever as well as a new pc* then Dell will not be suppling me or our IT department with computers.

    I cant say fairer than that.

    The 'Sticker' is not the problem. Its Microsoft.
    * unix shop.


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