We have our first entry into the contest! Kenneth Coble has submitted this great article about DSLinux. Heck, if they get Linux perfected on it, maybe I'll get a DS and use it as a PDA.
It didn't actually take me long to think of a "worthy" post to enter into the MLB's contest. All that I had to do was think of what technologies were exciting me at the moment. And as I have become wrapped into the world of WiFi nothing has me more excited than the up and coming DSLINUX!
Don't get The name confused with DSL wich is Damm Small Linux. Although it will be Damm Small, it's not quite the same thing. This distro is going to run solely on the Nintendo DS handheld system.
If you haven't seen the DS let me give you some brief details. It sports dual screens, the bottom screen being a Touchscreen! It has microphone capabilities, built in 802.11 B wireless, and nice emulated surround sound. It also has some decent graphics processing due to dual arm processors that come close to the graphical powers of the Nintendo 64 of the olden days.
This isn't meant to be a replacement for the DSLinux website. I won't be delving to deeply into the Technical details, but I am going to entice your imagination a bit.
Just think a few of these possibilites over. NFS wireless transfer via adhoc or infrastructure with multiple Nintendo DS systems over a WiFi or "Ni-Fi" setup. Touch pad support, period! Dual Screen Xmame? Homebrew Linux apps for the DS (aside from the existing text games).
Im not sure where it stands and I know that the PSP has its own respective team working on PSP-Linux, but I've always been a Nintendo supporter and there are just too many innovative features in this handheld to ignore. At the very least DSLinux is a cooler name.
I wonder if we'll start seeing DSLinux boxes soon rated N for nerds only :)
DSLinux Site
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