Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The MIT $100 Laptop

And what a sight it is. What if you could get a computer for $100? Not just a computer, but a laptop. Looking at pictures, this thing looks pretty awesome. What are it's advantages? Well, duh, it's $100. But what else...

It uses Linux! Not only is it cheap, but it's penguintastic! (I think I just made up that word)

But what are the laptop stats?

  • It runs Linux :-)
  • 500 MHz
  • 1 GB Flash Memory (as a HD replacement)
  • Dual mode display - Color and B&W
  • Intergrated WiFi with "Mesh Networking"
  • 4 USB Ports
  • Windup crank, AC, or Battery power
  • It runs Linux :-)
To quote CNet:
The machines, which will run a version of the Linux operating system, will also include other applications, some developed by MIT researchers, as well as country-specific software. "Software has gotten too fat and unreliable, so we started with Linux," he said.
And how right they are.

Could this be the future of portable computing? I think so. Eventually as computer manufacturing costs fall, we may see more of these. Seriously - give it a few years and we may start seeing these things at Wal-Mart for $30. Heck, traditional laptops may loose popularity among people who just want a portable device for browsing and email on the go.

CNet Article

"This is open-source education. It's a big issue."


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