Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Windows XP Embedded Shouldn't Be Used

I saw a show a little earlier today on PBS, called "High Tech Home". I was watching it, and got to a section called "Windows Embedded Devices", and I almost switched the channel.

But, I watched on. They only had two different devices on there, and neither really intrests me. Why would any company choose to use Windows XP in their embedded devices? Not only do you have to deal with licensing issues, and things like viruses, but since you can't see the source code it just isn't practical to use.

Linux, on the other hand, would be perfect. You could modify the Kernel and applications so they would run more efficient and work better, and wouldn't have to worry about paying for licenses, patents, viruses, and any other Windows-based problem. And since they are likely to be designing their own systems, the hardware would be compatible.

Oh, and did I mention, Microsoft sponsored that show?


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