Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Sunday, August 14, 2005

OSX Runnung on PCs - OSx86

I know, this is old news, but I still find it interesting.
Who couldn't have seen this one coming - After obtaining OSX from the Developer Kit, hackers got to work and now are able to run OSX on their PCs natively, OSx86. From the videos avaliable online, it looks like it's running very well too. I couldn't tell the difference from a regular mac (except in the about window, it said it was an Intel processor ;-))

Apple, just give up. Hackers will ALWAYS find a way around any anti-PC protection you will impliment, so just make everyone's life easier and make OSX avaliable for normal computers.

OSx86 Project
Install OSX on a normal PC
  • Be Advised - THIS IS ILLEGAL. I have not tried it and am not going to. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
Slashdot Article


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