Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My Latest DIY Project

No! Don't throw out those old floppies just yet! You could still use them!

I came across yet another page on digg, which gave me an idea. They made a CD stand out of Legos, but rather than just put plain CDs in there or CDs in slim cases, they cut the top off their old 5" floppies, took the magnetic circle out, and used it as a CD storage case. So, I did the same thing.

Finally, a use for all those old disks that were collecting dust in my basement...

My stand can hold seven of these things. I think it'll be a Linux only stand.

I'm thinking about building anoter :-) I have seven more cases...



  • At 8/30/2005 10:11:00 PM, Blogger Justin said…

    Yeah, but my current challenge is dusting off my old Windows 3.1 computer that can read them, since I found a couple with stuff I may want to see... assuming they still work.


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