Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Mighty M$ is Checking Us Out!

Yes, it's true! Looking at the stats last night, I was surprised to get a hit from Redmond, but I was more surprised when the IP traced back to Microsoft's servers. Guess which pages they accessed? They accessed the two posts I made about the WGA being cracked. Go figure!

What's odd is that they didn't visit the blog index, they went directly to the permalink URL. I think this means that they are searching the web for these types of pages.

I know, you're thinking that this is just a bot. I don't think it's a bot because StatCounter indicated that the operating system was Windows XP and the browser was IE6. But it also had an entry for screen resolution and javascript was enabled... I am pretty sure that bots have javascript disabled.

Oh, and remember when I said that I was going to install Kanotix a few days ago? I lied. I'm going to be busy until next Tuesday, so I'll probably install it then or on Wednesday.


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