Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hack a CVS One-Time-Use Digital Camcorder

I stumbled across this Hack today that definately sounds sweet. CVS has a One Time Use Digital Camcorder. You can buy it for $30, record 25-30 minutes of DivX video, and bring it back to the store where they'll get the video off and make you a DVD.

But wait, here's the best part! Our good friends at I-Hacked.com have discovered a way to build a dock for it using a Palm III sync cradle, and an extra USB cable that you don't care about (and of course small screwdrivers, a soldering iron, solder, solder wick, and gorilla glue).

Hey, a digital camera for $30, you've got my attention. But CVS is likely to change the camera so the hack doesn't work, so I should hurry!

While this hack is designed for Windows, it uses a port of libusb and the driver is open source (using the Vorpal Bunny Public Lisence), so I don't see why we can't make a Linux version...

Read the Hack


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