Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Going to Switch to Kanotix

OK... Reading different blogs and endorsement from Pat on TLLTS and his Blog have convinced me that Kanotix is awesome. The reason I didn't use Kanotix in the first place is because it didn't support my wireless card and Mepis did... but I guess that was out of sheer lazyness because I was able to compile Ndiswrapper to work with my wireless card on Mandrake, and Ndiswrapper comes with Kanotix... All I need is the driver.

So probably later today, I'll be backing up data onto my iPod (since I'm too cheap to waste blank CDs ;-))


  • At 8/17/2005 09:28:00 AM, Blogger Justin said…

    I haven't tried dualbooting Kanotix yet (But I will soon!), but Mepis made it extremely easy. I just went through the install process, and on a reboot Windows was there :-)

    But even if the distro doesn't configure that automatically, it's just a matter of adding a few lines to the grub menu.lst or lilo.conf file and it will dual boot nicely :-)


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