Why does nothing rhyme with Linux???

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

5 Reason NOT To Use Linux

I came across this funny article today on digg. I like it, and would like to quote some of it here.
Reason number two: Linux is a pain to set up

It's true. After all, with modern Linuxes like Xandros Desktop or SimplyMEPIS, you need to put in a CD or DVD, press the enter button, give your computer a name, and enter a password for the administrator account.

Gosh, that's hard.

On the other hand, with Windows, all you have to do is put in a CD or DVD, do all the above, and then immediately download all the available patches. After all, Symantec has found that an unpatched Windows PC connected to the Internet will last only a few hours before being compromised.

Unpatched Linux systems? Oh, they last months, but what's the fun of that?
But he didn't even mention that with Windows, you almost always need to hunt down drivers for your sound, your video, your printer, your modem, and once I even needed a USB driver. A USB DRIVER!

He also didn't mention that Windows installation is more complex and almost always takes longer.

He also didn't mention that when you patch your Windows system, you install a couple and reboot. Install a couple and reboot... once you've done that a few times, you need to install SP2 which would take way too long to get over Dial-up connections, and probably longer to install (at least 1.5 hours)

Linux-Watch Article
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